2 Timothy 4 - Finish the Race

In the final chapter of 2 Timothy, Paul encourages Timothy to keep preaching the Word. He warns of a time coming when people will just want to be entertained and hear what they want, but we are called to preach the truth. Paul then offers some concluding remarks and reminds Timothy to finish the race, not to give up, and not to hold anything back. As followers of Jesus, we are to pour out everything we have in service to Christ.

2 Timothy Ch. 3 - Hold on to the Truth

This week guest speaker Mark Johnson preaches 2 Timothy Ch. 3. In this chapter, we are told that there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of evil and lovers of themselves. As believers, Paul instructs us to have nothing to do with these kinds of things. Rather, we are to hold fast to the truth of God's Word, which will equip us for every good work that God has called us to.

2 Timothy Ch. 2 - Ideal Character of God's Servants

In this message, Pastor Kevin teaches 2 Timothy chapter 2, which focuses on the the kind of character Paul instructs Timothy to have in order to serve God. Paul encourages and instructs Timothy to be strong, to join in suffering, to press on like a good soldier, not getting caught up in meaningless affairs. He also warns against false teaching and quarrelling, and urges Timothy to flee from sinful desires.