Our Mission:
“We exist to share and show Jesus to Enid, Oklahoma and the rest of the world.”
We will share and show Jesus in our small group gatherings, our large gatherings, as we serve in our community, as we relate to our neighbors, and as we do missions across the globe.
“The son of man came to seek and save the lost.”
Our Vision:
“To be a church that is authentically welcoming, passionately training, and constantly sending.”
We want to create an environment that breaks down any barriers that could keep someone from checking out what it means to follow Jesus. Being a church that is authentically welcoming is more than having greeters at the door of the church, it's an atmosphere that says "come as you are". We will also be a church that is passionately training people to know Gods word and be on mission in their community. We will train people so we can be constantly sending people on mission for Christ.
Our Name:
Open Door Church
No matter your race, background, or income level, you are welcome here.
Open Door Church is a beautiful picture of what visiting our church for the first time will feel like. We want to be a welcoming church, but even more importantly we want to invite people to open up the door of salvation. Our door is open because we want people to come in and experience God and true community. Our door is also open because we don't plan on staying inside the church. We will be a church on mission and focused on sharing and showing Jesus to Enid, Oklahoma and the rest of the world.
The name Open Door Church comes straight from the story in Revelation 3 where it compares the lukewarm church with the Open Door Church.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.”