Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

The Wise Men

In the final part of Characters of Christmas, we hear the Christmas story from the perspective of the wise men. In this part of the story, we see that things get very chaotic, with an evil, violent king on the hunt for Jesus, and Mary and Joseph on the run. However, we learn from this story that Jesus came for ALL people and nations, not just the Jews, God is in control no matter how bad things get, and lastly that there is always hope when life gets difficult.

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Guest Speaker Guest Speaker

The Shepherds

In part 3 of Characters of Christmas, we have the special honor of hearing from Steve Williams, our new Pastor of Discipleship and Pastoral Care (and former Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church). Pastor Steve teaches on the Christmas story from the perspective of the shepherds. In this story, we see that Jesus came for ALL people, including the ordinary and the outcast. He came as savior for each and every one of you. This Christmas, may we respond in seeking Jesus just as the shepherds did.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


This week, we take a look at Joseph's perspective of the Christmas story. Joseph became the earthly father of Jesus through adoption. Through his confusing and difficult journey, we see another example of how God uses ordinary people.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


In part 1 of Characters of Christmas, we take a look at the birth of Jesus from the perspective of his mother Mary. From her perspective, we see that God loves to use ordinary people to bring about his purposes. Often when God is at work in us, it doesn’t make sense to us, but we’re called to continually trust and obey.

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