Fully God & Fully Man

In this message, Pastor Kevin teaches on the fulfillment of the Messiah being both God and man. Isaiah 9 gives a prophecy that a child would be born to us, and like God he would a wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, and prince of peace. Jesus is the fulfillment of this prophecy. Though he was fully God, he humbled himself to become fully man, so that he would know our sorrow, and so that we could experience salvation in him.

Everlasting King

In part 3 of our series on the prophecies foretold about the birth of Christ, Pastor Kevin teaches on the prophecy in Daniel 7 about the King whose kingdom will have no end. This prophecy refers to King Jesus. In the birth story we see Magi from east coming to worship this King. In this message, we learn about listening to the voice of God, as Daniel and the Magi both demonstrate. We are reminded that God speaks to those who will listen.

Born of a Virgin

In this message, we hear from Pastor Justin Romaine, our associate pastor, on the prophecy of Christ being born of a virgin. This prophecy comes from Isaiah 7. Justin teaches through Isaiah 7, which is a story about trusting in God vs trusting in self. In this story, God demonstrates that he is with us, therefore we can trust him when we’re going through difficult situations. We can know for sure that God is with always with us, because he has proved to us through the birth of Christ that he is not a distant God, but he is a God who is near to us.

Born in Bethlehem

This week we kicked off our Christmas series on the prophecies regarding the birth of Christ. The details of Christ’s birth were not just random events. Rather they were prophesied hundreds of years before. Prophets foretold the coming of Christ long before it happened. The first fulfilled prophecy we learned about is the prophecy of Christ being born in Bethlehem. The prophet Micah tells us that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. And God arranged for these events to happen to fulfill that prophecy. This teaches us that God is always in control. He has a master plan even when we can’t see it. Therefore in moments of waiting on God, we are called to wait with hope and trust.