
In the final part of Guardrails, Pastor Kevin talks about how we can have healthy boundaries with our church community. Using Jesus as our example, we learn that there is a time to say yes and a time to say no. Jesus shows us when we should say yes and offer ourselves in service to others, but he also shows us when to say no in order to prioritize the most important things.

With Others

In part 3 of Guardrails, Pastor Kevin teaches about putting up guardrails with others. In order to have healthy relationships with others, we must have clear and healthy boundaries. In this message, Kevin shares with us the 10 laws of boundaries, developed by Dr. Henry Cloud and John Townsend in their book “Boundaries”. For deeper study on this topic, we highly recommend this book.


In this message, Pastor Kevin gives a talk about how to establish guardrails for yourself, or in other words, how to guard your heart. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts with all vigilance, for from it flows every part of our lives. If we are going to live healthy lives, we must have guardrails to protect our hearts. Pastor Kevin shows us some practical ways to guard our hearts and reminds us that everything God wants to do in us begins with our hearts.

The Enemy

We all need boundaries, or guardrails, in our lives to keep us from going off the edge into destruction. One of the things we need guardrails to protect us from is the enemy, aka the devil, Satan. He would love nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy us to keep us from following Jesus. In this message, we learn about the various tactics that the enemy uses to attack us. However, we also learn how we can guard ourselves and ensure that we stay on the path God has for us.