Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Living on Mission

In the final part of the series “Heaven on Earth”, Pastor Kevin teaches about living on mission. Because God wants every person to experience heaven on earth, it is the role of Christians to take the good news of the gospel to all people, that they too may experience life with Jesus. Pastor Kevins breaks down practically what it means to live on mission, and teaches some practical dos and don’ts when it comes to sharing your faith with others.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

The Purposes of the Church

In this message, Pastor Kevin teaches on experiencing heaven at church. In order to know how we experience heaven on earth at church, we must know why the church exists. Kevin explains the 5 main purposes of the church (fellowship, worship, serving, discipleship, and evangelism) and then shows practical ways to live each of these out. When we leave out these things, it gives us a glimpse of heaven on earth.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Family Habits & Rhythms

In this message, we learn about experience heaven at home. The truth is, nobody has a perfect home. But we can strive to be intentional about the things we focus on at home and the influences we allow into our homes. Pastor Kevin teaches through the shema in Deut 6, which teaches us how to have God-centered homes. He then shares some practical ideas about healthy habits and rhythms we can start that will help our families grow spiritually.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Spending Time with God

What if heaven is more than a place we go when we die? What if we can experience glimpses of heaven here and now? In this message series, Pastor Kevin shares 4 ways that we can experience heaven on earth. The first way is through spending personal time with God. In this message, Kevin shares reasons why we need 1-on-1 time with God every day, and some practical ways we can begin to spend time with him if we’re not sure where to start.

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