Love Like Jesus

In the final part of Like Jesus, Pastor Kevin talks about loving others the way Jesus did. Jesus modeled for us how to really love people, and then called us as his followers to love people in the same way. Loving like Jesus looks like forgiving those who have hurt you, accepting those who are different than you, and valuing everyone.

Lead Like Jesus

Whether we know it or not, all of us are leaders in some way. We all have opportunities to influence others every single day. Rather than using influence to promote ourselves, we ought to use it to better others. In this message, Pastor Kevin teaches how to lead like Jesus. Jesus did not lead in a way to bring attention to himself. Instead, he flipped everything upside down and used his leadership to elevate others. He led by being a servant.

Pray Like Jesus

We believe that Jesus is always our example of how to live. He lived a perfect life on earth as a model for us of what it truly means to be human. We are beginning a new series based on this idea, called “Like Jesus”, in which we will spend 3 weeks looking at how we can pray, lead, and love the way that Jesus did. In this first message, Pastor Kevin teaches through several passages of scripture that teach us how to pray in the same way Jesus did.