Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Confident Christianity (1 John 5)

In the final part of our series in 1 John, Pastor Kevin Hisey teaches through 1 John 5. In this message, we wrestle with 2 big questions: Am I confident as a Christian, and am I confident that I am a Christian? John teaches us that we can have assurance of our salvation, and confidence to live it out.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Real Love (1 John 4:7-21)

In part 4 of Love & Light, Pastor Kevin teaches a message on Real Love. Love is one of those words that gets thrown around in a variety of ways, so much so that we often don’t recognize the true meaning of love. In this message, we see that real love comes from God, and was revelaed to us clearly in the person of Jesus Christ. And because his Spirit resides in us, we are called to show this same kind of love to others.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Is This of God? (1 John 3:7-10 & 4:1-6)

In this message, we are encouraged to test and affirm messages that we hear from other people. Not everyone who claims to know God actually teaches the truth of God. This section from 1 John teaches us to test and affirm by 1) looking at the evidence of their lifestyle, 2) using discernment, 3) testing the message, and 4) observing the audience. Followers of Jesus are called to cling to God’s truth, not just what we perceive to be the truth.

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Justin Romaine Justin Romaine

Dangers to Avoid (1 John 2:15-28)

In part 3 of our series in 1 John, we hear from pastor Justin Romaine about the dangers we need to avoid in our walk with God. In this section of 1 John, John warns us about our love for the world and false teaching. While each of things don’t always appear to be dangerous, they are two things that will slowly pull us away from Jesus.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Walking in the Light (1 John 1:5-2:6)

In this section of 1 John, John instructs on what it means to walk in the light. As Christians, we are called to be the light of world. The way we “walk in the light” is by being honest and confessing our sin. If we claim to be without sin, we are liars and we are actually walking in the dark. To walk in the light, we must remove anything that hinders our relationship with God, and ask God to sanctify us, making us more like Him.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Fullness of Joy (1 John 1:1-4)

This week Pastor Kevin Hisey begins our new series “Love & Light”, a study in the letter of 1st John. In this message we hear about John’s life and background, and the introduction to his letter. In his introduction, we see that John desires for us to have a relationship with God, fellowship with other Christians, and fullness of joy in Christ.

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