Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Life-Giving Words

In the final part of “The Power of Words” Pastor Kevin Hisey teaches about the importance of using our words to point people to Jesus. We are called to not only show Jesus in our actions, but also use our mouths to share the gospel with others. In this message, we also hear 8 reasons it is so important for Christians to share the gospel.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Spirit-Inspired Words

In this message, Pastor Kevin speaks about having words inspired by the Holy Spirit. In order to understand spirit-inspired words, we first learn about the trinity and the role that the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. In order to speak Spirit-inspired words, we must spend time with God and be in tune with the how the Spirit leads us.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Get It Under Control

In part two of The Power of Words, Pastor Kevin teaches through James chapter 3, a passage about taming our tongues. In this message, we go deeper in learning about the power of our words, and hear some practical ways about how we can control and be intentional with our words. We also see a special video from some of the people in our church about how words have personally impacted them.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Your Words Matter

In part 1 of “The Power of Words”, Pastor Kevin Hisey teaches through several passages in the book of Proverbs that relate to power of our words. Our words are far more powerful than we can imagine. They have the power to bring life, but also the power to bring death. In this message, we will hear how we can turn our words from negative to positive, to become people who speak life into others.

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