
In the final part of “Recover”, Pastor Kevin teaches on the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis. Joseph went through one traumatic event after another, from being sold into slavery to being wrongly accused and imprisoned, yet God continued to use Joseph greatly. Even after being treated so harshly, God led Joseph to forgive those who had wronged him. In this story we learn that the things men mean for evil, God means for good.


In part 3 of Recover, Pastor Kevin teaches on the story of Moses. Moses’ life is one of many ups and downs, yet God used him greatly. From nearly being murdered as a child, to later murdering someone himself, and eventually being the one to lead God’s people from slavery, Moses’ life is a testament to the fact that God can use the most unexpected people. In this message, we learn to continually trust and rely on God to lead us and fight for us.


In part 2 of “Recover”, we learn about Job, a man whose story is told in the Old Testament. Job faced suffering beyond what many of us could even imagine. In a moment, he lost everything. But after a long process of grieving and turning to God, he was restored. Job’s story teaches us that Christians are not exempt from suffering. But in the end, we see that God is in control and he has a plan for our suffering. We can learn a lot from Job’s story about how to grieve and remain hopeful whenever suffering comes our way.


In the first week of our series “Recover”, we take a look at King David from the Old Testament of the Bible. David was a man that God used greatly, but David also made a lot of mistakes along the way. In this message, we learn how to recover from the bad choices that we make in life. Like David, we must repent and turn to God whenever we sin, rather than run away from Him.