Revelation: New Heaven & New Earth

In the final part of our series on the Book of Revelation, Kevin teaches about the hope we have in the coming kingdom of God. While many will face God’s judgement, followers of Jesus have hope that one day all evil will be eliminated, and we will dwell with God for eternity. So while we await Christ’s return, we look forward to the hope that is to come, when one day all things will be made new.

Revelation: The Timeline

In part 3 of our Revelation series, Pastor Kevin talks about the timeline of the end times, including the church age, the rapture, the tribulation, the millenium, and the new heaven and earth. In this message, we are reminded of the urgency to go and share the gospel with anyone that does not know Jesus.

Revelation: The 7 Churches

In part 2 of our series in the Book of Revelation, Kevin talks about Jesus’ teaching to the 7 churches in Revelation. Jesus points out things that the churches are doing well, but also corrects them in areas they need to repent. In this message, we are called to evaluate our individual lives and church as a whole to see areas in which we need to repent.