Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Judges Ch. 16

In the final part of the story of Samson, we see Samson’s biggest failure, but also his redemption. After falling to temptation and deceit with Delilah, Samson is captured and imprisoned. Through this however, God ultimately uses Samson to accomplish what he first called him to do. In this message, we see the full effect of sin on our lives, but also the greatness of God’s redemption in us whenever we repent and turn back to God.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Judges Ch. 15

In Judges Ch. 15, we see the aftermath from Samson’s marriage. In his anger, Samson kills many Philistines and continues to break the vow he made to God. However, at the end of this chapter, we get a glimpse of Samson turning back to God, and see what happens whenever we turn to God and rely on him for strength.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Judges Ch. 14

In Judges chapter 14, we see Samson begin to stray away from God’s calling on his life. As Samson goes against God’s will by marrying a Philistine woman, he experiences anger, frustration, and betrayal, which results in the marriage lasting only a week. In this message, Pastor Kevin highlights the downfall of Samson’s relationship, showing us how not to have a healthy marriage.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Judges Ch. 13

In Judges chapter 13, we get the introduction to the life of Samson, one of the Judges of the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. In this part of the story, we learn about Samson’s parents and the promise from God about who Samson would become. From this message, we will hear about the importance of the role of parenting, the great potential that Samson had, and our need to continually rely on God.

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