The Good Samaritan

In the final part of Stories in Luke, Kevin teaches on the story Jesus tells about the Good Samaritan. In this story we learn about what it looks like to go out of your way to love others who are in need. We are called to love everyone in front of us, even when it is difficult or inconvenient.

The Lost Sons

We kick off the series “Stories in Luke” with the famous story of the prodigal son(s). Each week in Dec, we will be covering some of the most well known stories in the book of Luke, including the birth of Jesus. This message can relate to all, as Jesus tells a story about two lost sons. One son ran away from his father and squandered all that he had on a wild life, all which left him empty and in need of the father’s love. The other son though tried to do everything right, but for all the wrong reasons, which left him bitter and angry. This story shows us the love that God has for both of these sons.