Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Giving Thanks in the Storm

In the final part of our thankfulness series, Pastor Kevin teaches on the story of Paul being shipwrecked in Acts 27. In this story, we see how we can respond with thankfulness, even in the storms of life. No matter what, we will all face storms, but God is our anchor when the storms come.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

How to Be Thankful

In this message, we hear stories about two women in the Bible who show us an example of how to be thankful: the story of the sinful woman encountering Jesus’ at a Pharisee’s house, and the story of Hannah becoming pregnant with her son Samuel. Both of these women show us what it looks like to overflow with praise and thanksgiving for the things God does in our lives.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

A Rhythm of Thanksgiving

The story of Daniel in the lion’s den is one of those stories many hear as a kid growing up in church, but it has a lot to teach us in every stage of life. In this message, we learn about Daniel’s thankfulness to God for saving him, but also Daniel’s everyday rhythm of stopping to pray and thank God 3 times a day. This message encourages us to develop a habit of prayer and thankfulness in our everyday life.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Don't Take it for Granted

For the month of November, we are looking at various stories in scripture about people who were thankful. In this first message, we hear the story of the 10 lepers. Out of the ten lepers that Jesus healed, only 1 returned to give thanks. This story teaches us to acknowledge everything that God has done us in order to guard ourselves from taking God’s blessings for granted.

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