Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Uncomfortable Prayers

In the final week of this series on prayer, Kevin talks about praying 4 uncomfortable prayers — Search me, break me, use me, send me. While it can be difficult and uncomfortable to pray these things, it is necessary for us as Christians to come before God and pray for these things.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Open Door 2-Year Birthday

This week we took a break from our prayer series to celebrate our 2-year birthday as a church. In this message we hear 4 powerful stories from families in our church about how God is at work at Open Door!

If you normally listen using the audio file, we recommend watching the Youtube video to be able to see the testimony videos.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Hearing from God

In part 3 of “Talking with God”, Pastor Kevin talks about how we can learn to hear from God. In this message, he discusses several ways in which God speaks to us, and things in our lives that distract us from hearing God speak. We must make hearing from God a priority in our lives, otherwise we will only hear the distraction from the world around us.

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Justin Romaine Justin Romaine

A Praying Church

This week, in part 2 of our series on prayer, pastor Justin talks about what it looks like to be a praying church. We share stories from the book of Acts about how God moved when the church united in prayer. We also hear some inspiring stories from history about powerful movements of God that were fueled by prayer. When we don’t know what to do, our first instinct should be to pray. Because when God’s people pray together, God moves.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Genuine Prayer

In the first week of our new series “Talking with God”, Pastor Kevin speaks about what it means to have a genuine prayer life. He discusses 4 common misconceptions about prayer, and contrasts them with 4 biblical truths about prayer. In this message, we are challenged to not simply pray rehearsed, ritualistic prayers, but honest and authentic prayers from our heart.

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