Forgiving & Loving

In this message, we hear from Pastor Justin as he wraps up our series on the Character of Jesus. Justin teaches on Christ’s forgiveness & love through the story of the prodigal son. In this story, we see the depth of Christ’s love and forgiveness towards us, but it also shows us how we’re called to extend love and forgiveness to others.

Full of Humility

In this message, we study Philippians 2, which shows us the humility of Jesus. In his birth, life, and death, Jesus gives us a perfect example of true humility. Like Jesus, we are called to be humble, not doing anything out of selfish ambition, but rather considering others as more important than ourselves.

Kind & Compassionate

The first two character traits of Jesus that we see are his kindness and compassion. In this message, Pastor Kevin shares stories from the life of Jesus that demonstrate his kindness and compassion. In the same way the Jesus demonstrated these characteristics, his followers are also called to show them to others. As you listen, reflect on Jesus’ undeserved kindness to you, and think of ways that you can show this same kindness to others.

Clothed in Christ

In this message, Pastor Kevin begins a new series on the Character of Jesus, showing us what it means to be clothed in Christ. As followers of Jesus, we are called to take off the old clothing (our sinful nature), and put on the new (the character of Christ). In this message we will discover 1) why we should clothe ourselves in Christ, and 2) how we can clothe ourselves in Christ?