It's Gonna Be Ok

In this message, Pastor Kevin Hisey gives a talk to help us prepare mentally and spiritually for the holiday season. This is a time of the year when many of us prepare our homes and calendars, but we don’t take time to address our hearts and minds, leading to many of us becoming anxious, depressed, and angry. In this message, we’ll hear what the Bible can teach us about dealing with anxiety, depression, and anger.

A Video Clip from Heaven

Guest speaker Matt Spann, the Missions Strategist for the Cherokee Strip Baptist Association comes to share with us at Open Door. Matt has been a long time supporter of our church, and played a large role in helping Open Door get started back in 2018. He shares with us some of his story and background, and then a message about God’s heart for missions titled “A Video Clip from Heaven”, based on Revelation chapter 7.

Live in Grace. Walk in Love.

This week Pastor Justin speaks on showing grace to yourself, as well as grace to others. In a world where people are increasingly harsh on themselves and harsh on others, Jesus shows us that he has nothing but grace for all people. In the message, we will hear a series of stories about how Jesus interacted with the unworthy, unwanted, and unwelcome of society, and learn how we can first receive the grace Jesus has for us, and then share it with others.

Summer Kickoff

School is out and it is officially summer! So Pastor Kevin kicks off of our summer by discussing some ways that we can make the most of the summer. While it is a nice change of pace, the summer is not a time to forget God and the life he has called you to. In this message, we learn some practical ways to align our summer plans with God’s will.