Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

4-Year Birthday

Open Door is officially 4 years old! In this special message, Pastor Kevin shares the story of how Open Door was started, some families in the church about how God has used this place to grow them, and then Pastor Justin shares some insight on how we can be a church that continues to impact Enid for generations to come.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Better Together

To kick off our small group semester this fall, Pastor Kevin teaches from Acts 2, showing how we as the church are better together. Circles are better than rows, meaning that while gathering on Sundays is important for our growth, gathering together with other believers in small groups is even more important. True life change happens in community.

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Justin Romaine Justin Romaine

The Long Way

A message from our associate pastor, Justin, about the seasons of life whenever it feels like God is taking us the long way, through the desert or wilderness, to the place he’s called us to. It’s a message about how true growth takes time, and how God uses these seasons to shape us and prepare us. Through examining the story of the Israelites wandering through the desert in the book of Exodus, and through Jesus’ own experience in the wilderness, we see how we can navigate these seasons.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Mother's Day 2022

A message about Jochebed, Moses’ mother, which shows us the importance of mothers and the impact they can have on their children.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Vision Weekend 2022

This week we have a special message from Pastor Kevin Hisey about the vision for 2022! We hear some of the highlights of 2021, and then hear about the direction the Lord is leading us for this year. In this message, Kevin encourages us to focus on what we do know, rather than dwell on what we don’t. He also encourages us to take our next step in the journey that God has for us. Third, he calls us to get creative in the way we embody Christ. And lastly, we are invited to participate in a 21 day fast from Jan 11-Jan 31st.

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Justin Romaine Justin Romaine

Light in the Darkness

This week we hear from our Associate Pastor, Justin Romaine, as he presents a message for the New Year about the kind of church we are called to be. As a church, we are called to be light in the darkness, the light of the world. Looking back at the 1st century church in the book of Acts, we see four characteristics that every church and every believer should embody in order to shine as a light in the darkness.

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