Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

NYE Church at Home

Thanks for joining us as we close out 2023. Use this message as an opportunity to reflect on the past year, give thanks to God for all he has done, and then look ahead to what he has in store for 2024. After watching the message, use the reflection questions at the bottom of this page to discuss the past year, as well as what you’re hopeful for in the new year.

Happy New Year!


  • Share thoughts & reflections on the year. What were some of the best parts of 2023?

  • Are there any areas of your life where closure, resolution, or forgiveness is needed?

  • What are you hopeful for in 2024?

  • What are some areas of your life where you would like to grow in 2024? Share ideas with each other on how to move forward in these areas.

  • Pray with each other.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

5 Year Birthday

This week marks 5 years since we launched Sunday gatherings for Open Door Church. In this message, Pastoor Kevin shares a little bit of the Open Door story, some statistics recounting all that God has done, and stories of the prayers God has answered over the years. You will hear 3 scriptures that we have prayed over the years, and how God answered them in his timing. This reminds us as a church to pray continuously for God to move in our church. We ended the service with a time of prayer for the future of Open Door.

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Justin Romaine Justin Romaine

The Problem of Evil: Rainbows, Atheists, and Weird Bible Names

This week we hear a special message from Pastor Justin on the problem of evil. Many people have a hard time believing that God is real or that He is who He claims to be because of the existence of evil in the world. In this message, Justin addresses the sinfulness of man, the mercy of God, and the justice of God, which all helps us understand why evil still exists in the world and what God is doing about it.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


Easter Sunday! Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Kevin teaches through the story of the resurrection, sharing insights on the how the truth of this story still changes everything for us today.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Healthy Homes

This Sunday, we took a break from our study in Romans to hear from Pastor Kevin Hisey and licensed marriage and family therapist Noah Wickham, as part of the 2022 Healthy Homes Conference. In this session, we hear from Kevin four things that are essential to a healthy home, and then we had a Q&A time with Noah about the things that are essential for every child, as well as ways that we can process our own past pain as parents in order to parent our children well.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey

Vision Weekend 2023

Pastor Kevin preaches the annual vision weekend message, sharing the vision for where God is leading our church in 2023. In this message, he preaches through Galatians chapters 5-6, showing us what it means to walk in the spirit and bear one another’s burdens. In order for us to bear each other’s burdens, we first must be walking in the spirit. Kevin closes out the message by sharing some practical areas of growth for us as a church.

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Justin Romaine Justin Romaine

A Faithful Life

**The first 10 minutes or so of this recording is missing due to some errors in our recording. Our apologies. Just be aware that this recording starts mid-message.

This message is based on the parable of the talents, told in Matthew 25. This parable teaches us that all followers of Jesus have been given time, gifts, and resources to steward for the kingdom of God. One day, we will all give an account of what we did with the life we've been given. And more than significance or success, God cares about whether or not we will have been faithful to make much of him with what he gave us. So aaas we enter this new year, this message is a reminder for us to be faithful to the things that matter most in this life.

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