Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


In the final part of “We are the Church”, we learn about purpose #5 - Discipleship. In this message, Pastor Kevin talks about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. As disciples, we are called to to abide in Jesus and live in obedience to him. Part of being a disciple also means leading others to follow Jesus, and modeling for them what it looks like to follow Him.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


The fourth purpose of the church that we learn about in this series is “Fellowship”. Looking at the church in the books of Acts, we learn that fellowship is much more than just being a room with people or attending a church service. Fellowship is walking with people through the highs and lows of life, encouraging one another along the way. In this message, Pastor Kevin unpacks what fellowship is and how we can take part in it.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


Purpose #3 of the Church is Evangelism. This week, Pastor Kevin talks about what evangelism is, why it’s so important, and gives us some simple and practical tools to practice evangelism. In this message, we are reminded, as Hudson Taylor famously said, that “the great commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed”.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


In week 2 of “We are the Church”, Pastor Kevin talks about the 2nd purpose of the church: MINISTRY. Second to loving God with all that we are, we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. The church is a community that is meant to love and minister to everyone. In this message, we learn 5 steps to loving whoever is in your path.

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Kevin Hisey Kevin Hisey


In this series, “We are the Church”, we take a look at the five purposes of the church given to us in scripture. The first purpose we talk about is WORSHIP. The greatest command in scripture is to love God with all that we are. This is what we were created for. Pastor Kevin shows us what it means to live a life of worship. “Worship is responding to all that God is with all that we are.”

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