
In the final week of We Believe, Pastor Kevin talks about what we believe about God. AW Tozer famously said that what comes to mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. Our view of God determines several aspects about how we live our lives. In this message we learn what it means to see God as a trinitarian God. The Father is the creator. Jesus the son is God with us. And the Holy Spirit is God in us.

The Church

This week we hear from Pastor Justin on what we believe about the church. Teaching through 1 Corinthians 12, he talks about what it means that the Church is the body of Christ. If we are to live as one body, then it means 1) we must be connected, and 2) we must all do our part. You need the church and the church needs you.


This week Pastor Kevin talks about communion, why we take it, and how to prepare our hearts before taking it. The reason we take communion is to remember what Jesus has done for us, his trial, death, burial, and resurrection. The elements of bread and wine are a reminder to us of Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf. Before watching, we encourage you to prepare the elements in your home (bread & juice) to partake at the end of the message.


“Baptism is visually sharing the gospel” - Pastor Kevin. This week, Kevin talks about what scripture teaches in regards to baptism and explains our core doctrine of what baptism is all about. If you have wondered why we baptize people or have questions about what baptism is for, take a listen to this week’s teaching.


This fall, we are taking 6 weeks to talk about what we believe to be the core beliefs of the Christian faith. As a church filled with people from all types of backgrounds, we sensed God leading us to dive into the foundational beliefs of Christianity, and of our church. In this first week, Pastor Kevin talks about what it means to be saved.